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Target Controls


struct  GPU_Camera
struct  GPU_Target


typedef struct GPU_Camera GPU_Camera
DECLSPEC GPU_Target *SDLCALL GPU_CreateAliasTarget (GPU_Target *target)
DECLSPEC GPU_Target *SDLCALL GPU_LoadTarget (GPU_Image *image)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_FreeTarget (GPU_Target *target)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetVirtualResolution (GPU_Target *target, Uint16 w, Uint16 h)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_GetVirtualResolution (GPU_Target *target, Uint16 *w, Uint16 *h)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_GetVirtualCoords (GPU_Target *target, float *x, float *y, float displayX, float displayY)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetVirtualResolution (GPU_Target *target)
DECLSPEC GPU_Rect SDLCALL GPU_MakeRect (float x, float y, float w, float h)
DECLSPEC SDL_Color SDLCALL GPU_MakeColor (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetViewport (GPU_Target *target, GPU_Rect viewport)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetViewport (GPU_Target *target)
DECLSPEC GPU_Camera SDLCALL GPU_GetDefaultCamera (void)
DECLSPEC GPU_Camera SDLCALL GPU_GetCamera (GPU_Target *target)
DECLSPEC GPU_Camera SDLCALL GPU_SetCamera (GPU_Target *target, GPU_Camera *cam)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_EnableCamera (GPU_Target *target, GPU_bool use_camera)
DECLSPEC GPU_bool SDLCALL GPU_IsCameraEnabled (GPU_Target *target)
DECLSPEC SDL_Color SDLCALL GPU_GetPixel (GPU_Target *target, Sint16 x, Sint16 y)
DECLSPEC GPU_Rect SDLCALL GPU_SetClipRect (GPU_Target *target, GPU_Rect rect)
DECLSPEC GPU_Rect SDLCALL GPU_SetClip (GPU_Target *target, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Uint16 w, Uint16 h)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetClip (GPU_Target *target)
DECLSPEC GPU_bool SDLCALL GPU_IntersectRect (GPU_Rect A, GPU_Rect B, GPU_Rect *result)
DECLSPEC GPU_bool SDLCALL GPU_IntersectClipRect (GPU_Target *target, GPU_Rect B, GPU_Rect *result)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetTargetColor (GPU_Target *target, SDL_Color color)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetTargetRGB (GPU_Target *target, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetTargetRGBA (GPU_Target *target, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetTargetColor (GPU_Target *target)

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct GPU_Camera GPU_Camera

Camera object that determines viewing transform.

See Also

Function Documentation

DECLSPEC GPU_Target* SDLCALL GPU_CreateAliasTarget ( GPU_Target target)

Creates a target that aliases the given target. Aliases can be used to store target settings (e.g. viewports) for easy switching. GPU_FreeTarget() frees the alias's memory, but does not affect the original.

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_EnableCamera ( GPU_Target target,
GPU_bool  use_camera 

Enables or disables using the built-in camera matrix transforms.

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_FreeTarget ( GPU_Target target)

Deletes a render target in the proper way for this renderer.

DECLSPEC GPU_Camera SDLCALL GPU_GetCamera ( GPU_Target target)
The camera of the given render target. If target is NULL, returns the default camera.
DECLSPEC GPU_Camera SDLCALL GPU_GetDefaultCamera ( void  )
A GPU_Camera with position (0, 0, -10), angle of 0, and zoom of 1.
DECLSPEC SDL_Color SDLCALL GPU_GetPixel ( GPU_Target target,
Sint16  x,
Sint16  y 
The RGBA color of a pixel.
DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_GetVirtualCoords ( GPU_Target target,
float *  x,
float *  y,
float  displayX,
float  displayY 

Converts screen space coordinates (such as from mouse input) to logical drawing coordinates. This interacts with GPU_SetCoordinateMode() when the y-axis is flipped (screen space is assumed to be inverted: (0,0) in the upper-left corner).

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_GetVirtualResolution ( GPU_Target target,
Uint16 *  w,
Uint16 *  h 

Query the logical size of the given target.

DECLSPEC GPU_bool SDLCALL GPU_IntersectClipRect ( GPU_Target target,
GPU_Rect  B,
GPU_Rect result 

Returns GPU_TRUE if the given target's clip rect and the given B rect overlap, in which case it also fills the given result rect with the intersection. result can be NULL if you don't need the intersection. If the target doesn't have a clip rect enabled, this uses the whole target area.

DECLSPEC GPU_bool SDLCALL GPU_IntersectRect ( GPU_Rect  A,
GPU_Rect  B,
GPU_Rect result 

Returns GPU_TRUE if the given rects A and B overlap, in which case it also fills the given result rect with the intersection. result can be NULL if you don't need the intersection.

DECLSPEC GPU_bool SDLCALL GPU_IsCameraEnabled ( GPU_Target target)

Returns 1 if the camera transforms are enabled, 0 otherwise.

DECLSPEC GPU_Target* SDLCALL GPU_LoadTarget ( GPU_Image image)

Creates a new render target from the given image. It can then be accessed from image->target.

DECLSPEC SDL_Color SDLCALL GPU_MakeColor ( Uint8  r,
Uint8  g,
Uint8  b,
Uint8  a 
An SDL_Color with the given values.
DECLSPEC GPU_Rect SDLCALL GPU_MakeRect ( float  x,
float  y,
float  w,
float  h 
A GPU_Rect with the given values.
DECLSPEC GPU_Camera SDLCALL GPU_SetCamera ( GPU_Target target,
GPU_Camera cam 

Sets the current render target's current camera.

targetA pointer to the target that will copy this camera.
camA pointer to the camera data to use or NULL to use the default camera.
The old camera.
DECLSPEC GPU_Rect SDLCALL GPU_SetClip ( GPU_Target target,
Sint16  x,
Sint16  y,
Uint16  w,
Uint16  h 

Sets the clipping rect for the given render target.

DECLSPEC GPU_Rect SDLCALL GPU_SetClipRect ( GPU_Target target,
GPU_Rect  rect 

Sets the clipping rect for the given render target.

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetTargetColor ( GPU_Target target,
SDL_Color  color 

Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has a cumulative effect with the image coloring functions. e.g. GPU_SetRGB(image, 255, 128, 0); GPU_SetTargetRGB(target, 128, 128, 128); Would make the image draw with color of roughly (128, 64, 0).

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetTargetRGB ( GPU_Target target,
Uint8  r,
Uint8  g,
Uint8  b 

Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has a cumulative effect with the image coloring functions. e.g. GPU_SetRGB(image, 255, 128, 0); GPU_SetTargetRGB(target, 128, 128, 128); Would make the image draw with color of roughly (128, 64, 0).

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetTargetRGBA ( GPU_Target target,
Uint8  r,
Uint8  g,
Uint8  b,
Uint8  a 

Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has a cumulative effect with the image coloring functions. e.g. GPU_SetRGB(image, 255, 128, 0); GPU_SetTargetRGB(target, 128, 128, 128); Would make the image draw with color of roughly (128, 64, 0).

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetViewport ( GPU_Target target,
GPU_Rect  viewport 

Sets the given target's viewport.

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_SetVirtualResolution ( GPU_Target target,
Uint16  w,
Uint16  h 

Change the logical size of the given target. Rendering to this target will be scaled as if the dimensions were actually the ones given.

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetClip ( GPU_Target target)

Turns off clipping for the given target.

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetTargetColor ( GPU_Target target)

Unsets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has the same effect as coloring with pure opaque white (255, 255, 255, 255).

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetViewport ( GPU_Target target)

Resets the given target's viewport to the entire target area.

DECLSPEC void SDLCALL GPU_UnsetVirtualResolution ( GPU_Target target)

Reset the logical size of the given target to its original value.